Monday, October 4, 2010

I Have Cancer

Those are pretty shocking words to hear, let alone say. If you are a friend and have not heard, yes, I have cancer. There are so many things floating around in my head about the experiences I have had in the last 5 weeks, that I will have plenty of blogging material. I think that for now, I'll give the low-down on my cancer and where we are at with it, and save the emotions, spirituality, and life lessons for future blogs.

In late August, I had surgery to remove some uterine polyps. I had a very easy recovery, but when I went for my follow up visit a week later, my doctor dropped the Cancer Bomb. I must say how lucky I consider myself. First, for having a doctor who listened to me and told me that what was going on with me was not normal. Second, that he still did an ultrasound after the biopsy of my uterus came back normal. Third, that he decided to do a D&C along with getting rid of the polyps. That is where they found the cancer. As I sat in the exam room waiting for my dr. at my follow up, I thought, "why am I even here?" "I'm doing great!" All of a sudden, it occurred to me that I was going to get my pathology report, and something in my gut just knew that he was going to say cancer. He told me that I had endometrial (uterine) cancer, that I would need a hysterectomy, and he was referring me to a dr. at UCI who specialized in this.

On Tue., Sep. 14, the hubby and I went to see my specialist at UCI - a gynecological oncologist. Is that a mouthful, or what? We talked about the cancer and my need for a hysterectomy. Then "wham, bam, thank you ma'am", I was in surgery 4 days later. A really cool robot did a complete hysterectomy on me laparoscopically. So... now I am 2 weeks post-op, and I am getting ready to start 6 rounds of chemo on Monday.

My prognosis is very good. Even though the cancer had microscopically metastasized onto my cervix and an ovary, making me technically Stage 3, those came out in the hysterectomy. Also good news was that of the 30 lymph nodes they took out, every one came back clear. My chemo is now the "just in case" kind. I will lose my hair, and I may move a little slower than I'm used to for a while, but I believe down to my toes that I will be ok. I feel eternally grateful to have a dr. that my hubby and I feel comfortable with and trust completely. I'm also thankful for my hubby, who has taken on the roles of mom, dad, cook, cleaner, laundress, and carpooler, in addition to all of his regular duties. I love him with all my heart and could never get through this without him. I am everyone else's "rock", and he is mine. I'm thankful to all the friends who brought us dinner over the last couple of weeks. I'm thankful to my girlfriends (that includes my family girlfriends) who have cheered me up, watched my kids, cleaned my house, and just been there to make me laugh.

When the chips are down is when you find out who your true friends are, and I have found out that I am truly rich in that department. I will keep blogging to keep everyone updated. I'm going to start my chemo next week, so I'll let you know how that goes! Take care!


  1. You certainly are a rock, my luv. I will think of you often and please let me know if there is anything I can do!!! Big Kisses.

  2. Angela, you are such an inspiration. My gosh, I want to be like you when I grow up. Oh, wait, I'm your Senior Sister, LOL. Your spirit is positively GLOWING. We loved having you at Camp this past weekend and will read your blog faithfully. Good luck and we love you!!!

  3. God Bless You, Stay Positive and we will be praying hard for you and your family!!!! Words cannot express how sorry I am you have to deal with this!!! You sound positive and that you have amazing doctors...stay strong. Eli

  4. You are amazing Ang! Your positive attitude is so inspiring. For all you do for everyone else, please lean on us to help get you through this. Let me know if you need anything... and I mean anything!!! Love ya!

  5. WOW Angela - You have an immense amount of positive mental attitude. You are truly an inspiration! I will keep you in my thoughts!

  6. Thank you for sharing. You have to get in touch with Daneise Callister. She went through breast cancer 5 or 6 years ago. Her email is She is getting ready to do the 3 day walk for the second time. I can tell you are gonna be fine. I'll add you to my prayer list!

  7. I know I dont know you as well as some, but the time we have had getting to know one another is enough to know that you are a strong, determined individual that is not afraid of a fight. And I know you have already begun. We (my family and friends too) are all here to fight this thing with you in prayer and love. Just remember to take one day at a time. All my love, Kristin

  8. It was so great to see you last week, Angela! I will be praying for you on Monday as you start your chemo...I take it you decided to go the chemo route rather than being part of that test group for the chemo AND radiation? I am here for you if you need ANYTHING AT ALL (even if it's just driving with you to your appts and keeping you company), please just let me know! Love you, girl!!!

  9. Ang, my family sends their love and support! Please let me know if you need anything and everyone here @ TGS will keep you in their prayers! You're a strong woman, but please don't hesitate to lean on us to PUMP you up!! ;)

  10. Angela, you are an amazing person! Stay strong and keep that positive attitude, as it will go a long way. You and your family are in my prayers. muuuaaah!!

  11. Angela, thank you for sharing this with me. I am sending up prayers daily for you and your family. Keep the positive attitude and take one day at a time. You are truly an amazing person. I will keep up with your blogg. If you need anything, I am only a phone call away.

  12. Hey Ang! You and your family have been in my prayers since Shirl told me. You are a strong and amazing woman and you take things as they come without stressing about anything. These are the things that will get you through this! Stay positive! I know I am far away but let me know if I can do anything for you! Like keeping the kids for a couple of weeks in KY! I love you!

  13. Hi Angela,

    You are such an inspiration! From the day we met you always had a positive attitude! You have always been someone I admired... A great wife, great mom and a great friend to all! We are all lucky to know you and have you in our lives. Keep your positive attitude!!

    XOXO, Shari Weise
